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To better prepare the citizen for future impact of natural disasters, it is important to understand how previous disasters have occurred, why lives were lost, and what lessons have been learned. This will allow the attitude of society towards natural disasters to transform from training to learning. Taiwan may be the place on Earth most vulnerable to natural hazards, with 73% of its land and population exposed to greater than three natural hazards (Dilley, 2005). Unlike flood, landslide, cyclone, and flood, earthquake takes only several to tens of seconds to react and respond. It is crucial therefore, to increase the citizen’s capability and knowledge of earthquake science – why it happens, how it happens, and how do we prepare ourselves and city for earthquake hazard.




In order to attract public involvement in inquiry and discovery of earthquake knowledge, citizen seismologists are highly encouraged. They are volunteers who can contribute on data collection, analysis, and reporting and have potential to greatly improve the emergency response to earthquakes. The citizen-seismologists-in-Taiwan project (CSTaiwan) is designed to elevate the quality of earthquake science education by means of incorporating earthquake/tsunami stories and educational earthquake games into the traditional curricula in schools. That is, it aims to build an earthquake school in the cloud computing service where teachers can easily teach about earthquakes and children can learn about earthquakes in a fun environment.



Through a pilot program of courses and professional development workshops, we have worked closely with teachers in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools, to design workable teaching plans through a practical operation of seismic monitoring at homes and schools. With an update of the citizen seismic networks in Taiwan, in this paper we also demonstrate how 9-year-olds perform P- and S-wave picking and measure seismic intensity through an interactive learning platform, how scientists and school teachers work together, and how we create an environment to facilitate continuous learning (i.e., via a near-real time earthquake games competition) to make earthquake science fun.

9-year-old can do P and S waves picking!


Recent invited presentation on this project (AGU meeting, 2014):
Towards the future “earthquake” school in the cloud: Near-real time earthquake games competition in Taiwan



Teachable Units
The six teachable units tie the knowledgeable stories closely with practice earthquake games using real seismic waveforms. These units are namely:

1. Orphan Tsunami (story)

2. Finding Earthquake​ (game)

3.The 2004 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami (story)

4.Sizing up earthquake (game)

5. Forensic seismology (story)

6. Making fault motion (game)

For more practice of the future “earthquake school in the cloud”, teachers and parents are free to download the teaching materials developed for three different levels from elementary to high school.

Watch the slides

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Near-real time earthquake games competition in Taiwan

At the end of 2014, a near-real time earthquake games competition will be ready for all the registered citizen seismologists in Taiwan.


When earthquake occurs, you can login to process the seismic data, to determine earthquake location (where this earthquake occurred), seismic intensity map (where the strongest shaking took place), and fault plane solution (is this earthquake a thrust, normal, or strike slip faulting?).


How do I become a citizen seismologist?

A. Register as a citizen seismologist (click here for Taiwan QCN member)


B. Get certificates at four games:
1. finding earthquake

2. measuring earthquake shaking

3. sizing up earthquake

4. measuring how fault moves


Now, you are ready for the near-real time earthquake games competition!






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